SM:C ep. 28 – good and bad


  • new graphics are still alive and kicking;
  • Haruka and Michiru appeared, that’s always a plus;
  • Hotaru appears and looks lovely, 200/100;
  • Chibiusa has some pretty charming frames;
  • Witches 5 appeared.


  • bazillion minutes of transformations and speech again, while…
  • there wasn’t much room for “Chibiusa and Hotaru“ scene, like, seriously, who even needed that monster in there, there were IMPORTANT THINGS HAPPENING;
  • in some important frames Chibiusa looks a bit weird;
  • fast outers’ identity reveal means no more ❤s from inners, I guess;
  • I haven’t seen a single frame of Kaolinite I actually like yet.

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